
Recovering from any illness, surgery or injury can be a very stressful and difficult time. We understand the physical and emotional challenges of recovery, and how important it is to select the right provider with the experience to meet your needs safely and confidently. Our individualized treatment plans, latest treatment modalities, as well as our goal oriented approach to restore independence should make your decision an easier one. The Rehab Center on Pico has a trusted team of physical, occupational and speech therapists to assist you in achieving successful functional outcomes to enable you to return back to the community.

We treat patients in need of:

  • Post-surgery recovery
  • Joint replacement and orthopedic injury recovery
  • Injuries related to trauma
  • Cardiac recovery care
  • Pulmonary conditions
  • Stroke
  • Brain injury
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Generalized weakness following a hospital stay
  • Patient and family education

Physical Therapy focuses on identification, prevention and rehabilitation of individuals with physical impairment and pain. Following evaluation, your physical therapist will develop an individualized treatment program addressing the areas of lower extremity strength, balance, coordination, functional movement, ambulation, endurance and general mobility. The goal is to achieve safety in a variety of areas.

Areas of treatment focus may include:

  • Increase motor control for a patient who has suffered a stroke
  • Improve coordination, balance, and the ability to walk following a fracture
  • Improve overall strength conditioning and endurance
  • Pain management
  • Teaching proper body mechanics to prevent injury
  • Promoting safety awareness for the well-being of the resident
  • Gait training
  • Balance and coordination therapy
  • Pre and post operative exercise programs
  • Prosthetic training
  • Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
  • Home assessments
  • Community re-entry programs
  • Bed mobility and transfer training

Occupational Therapy addresses activities of daily living skills. They assist patients with impaired vision and/or hearing to function well in their environment. Occupational Therapy enables our patients to return home as independently as possible following an illness or injury. Our enhanced occupational therapy services include a full kitchen dedicated to occupation therapy training.

Areas of treatment focus may include:

  • Functional independence - eating, bathing, toileting, homemaking, cooking
  • Maintenance of wellness - dressing, grooming
  • Prevention of further disability- home assessments and modifications, adaptive equipment
  • Increasing safety awareness
  • Community reintegration
  • Home assessments and modifications – including ordering of equipment
  • Splinting
  • Adaptive equipment and training

Speech/Language Therapists provide a continuum of services including assessment, education and treatment of patients with communication, cognition and swallowing problems. Treatment programs are directed towards improving communication skills in the area of comprehension and expression. Patients admitted to the facility that are receiving nutrition partially or exclusively via a gastrostomy tube are evaluated for their potential to return to solid foods as appropriate.

Speech therapists work to restore the following abilities:

  • Improving speech and voice clarity
  • Increasing comprehension and verbal expression
  • Improving chewing and swallowing ability
  • Maximizing cognitive language skills, like memory, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning
  • Patient and family/caregiver education and training for managing ongoing difficulties with communication, cognition, and swallowing